Bromélia-zebra / Aechmea chantinii

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by Pri Cardoso


h: 54 w: 54 d: 1 (cms).

The artwork depicts the Zebra Bromeliad, scientifically known as Aechmea chantinii. It originates from the Amazon rainforest. I enjoy representing native species from my country, which stands out for the richness and diversity of its flora, as a way to value and preserve our endemic species. The Zebra Bromeliad is characterized by a pattern of distinct stripes in shades of light and dark green on its leaves, resembling the striped pattern of a zebra. At the time of creation, the plant was in its flowering period, which inspired the representation of two phases of its development: the emergence of the bud and the fully open flower, creating a dynamic and visually appealing composition. For the execution of the artwork, I used the technique of watercolor and graphite on paper, aiming to accurately capture the details and nuances of the plant in its natural beauty. The artwork was done on Arches Satin 100% cotton paper, using paints from the Winsor & Newton professional line.

£680 (As exhibited.)
£100 (Unframed print.)
£150 (Framed print.)

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